Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Find a Berkeley Computer Science Tutor

How to Find a Berkeley Computer Science TutorThe job of a Berkeley computer science tutor can be a very rewarding experience. To this end, it pays to do the homework before choosing a Berkeley tutor.First, consider if you have the time and the interest to go to Berkeley full time. Many of these schools are full time and require quite a bit of traveling for students. If you are working in an office and doing the work from home, that is an option. However, some programs will not allow you to go home for the summer.Second, check to see what the Berkeley faculty has to say about their tutors. A good example of this is in the game 'Hide and Seek.' The game involves hidden figures and the players solve the clues. Many of the clues require certain numbers, and this has implications for how the game is played.For instance, if the figures are called out to be six or seven, the game involves something like: the number that the clue refers to can either be six or seven. The teacher would explai n the rules to the student and help to help the student to solve the clues in a way that works best for him or her.Third, determine how long you are willing to commit to a Berkeley tutor. Some of these programs have tutors that require you to get to class and back on time each day. This is not a feasible option for many students, but the tutor may have the time.Fourth, consider your own schedule. As mentioned above, many of these programs require students to meet a certain number of classroom hours, while leaving for the rest of the day to attend the activities at Berkeley. Obviously, if you cannot do this on a regular basis, then you may have to look elsewhere. While this may be the case, most of these programs offer tutors that are available for weekend sessions, which may be more possible for you.Finally, it pays to be sure that the Berkeley computer science tutor you choose has a degree from one of the world's top programs. A level of certification is not required by these progr ams, but certification from a premier institution such as the National Association of College Advisors or the Association for Computing Machinery would be very beneficial.

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